Blue Cheese And Its Contribution To Improving Health

Blue Cheese And Its Contribution To Improving Health

If you want to add an extra tangy flavor to your dishes, blue cheese can be the very first option. Apart from its sweet-salty and sharp taste, this semi-soft cheese is also different in look as it is left with a blue-green network design and a marble texture after preparation. However, this semi-soft and crumbly cheese also carries many significant health benefits that can make you truly surprised.


What Is Blue Cheese And How Can It Benefit Health?

Originating from France, blue cheese is made through the processes of pasteurization and acidification of raw milk after a starter culture is added to it. When it solidifies, rennet is added.

The starter culture is used in the formation of the Penicillium Roqueforti bacterium, which is responsible for its unique blue/green spots and veins.

What Is Blue Cheese And How Can It Benefit Health

The blue cheese varieties that are normally available in grocery stores are Roquefort, Danablu, Gorgonzola, and Blue Stilton. 

Besides, these cheese varieties are low in calories and are packed with various essential nutrients to support different aspects of your health. 

Health Benefits

Take a look at the various ways in which it can support your health. 

  • Improved memory and cognitive performance 

The essential nutrients in blue cheese such as thiamine and folate improve memory and help in managing memory struggles. At the same time, consuming often enhances rin cell activity as well. This results in an overall improvement of memory power and cognitive health. 

  • Reduced risk of Osteoporosis 

As blue cheese is a good source of calcium, it helps to improve your bone density. This means adding it or other calcium-rich food varieties to your regular diet can gradually reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis and similar bone-related struggles. 

  • Greater heart health 

The benefits of blue cheese are also reflected in your great health since it is packed with spermidine, a compound that supports cardiovascular health and lowers the risk of cardiovascular diseases. At the same time, spermidine also delays aging and acts against age-related struggles. 

  • Anti Obesity benefits 

As you have seen earlier in this article, blue cheese is very low in calories. Besides, it is also linked to anti-obesity mechanisms for being packed with calcium and a list of other beneficial compounds. Together, they can target to reduce body fat and BMI. 

  • Enhanced dental and bone health 

Blue cheese, especially Roquefort or Gorgonzola, is great for dental health. It is not only for its richness in calcium, and phosphorus but also for the prevention of plaque build-up and tooth decay.  At the same time, it can also improve your bone health by enhancing its density and preventing joint struggles. Moreover, including it in your diet will help you meet the required calcium intake since you need to increase your daily calcium intake as you age. 

  • Anti-cellulite properties 

Since it is also packed with anti-cellulite properties, it can help in preventing the accumulation of fat as cellulite in various parts of your body. In addition to this, this cheese variety is proven to be effective in reducing cholesterol as well. 

  • Boosted immunity 

As per studies, blue cheese supports the immune system by being packed with essential vitamins, and minerals like vitamin A, vitamin D, potassium, sodium, and zinc. So, frequent consumption of blue cheese can strengthen your immune system and promote disease prevention. 

  • Combats arthritis

Blue cheese is also good for your joints while possessing significant anti-inflammatory properties. Since arthritis is one of the common joint struggles that occur according to aging, consuming blue cheese reduces the complexities associated with arthritis while preventing it. 

To Conclude

Since blue cheese is flavourful, you can use it to add flavor to a variety of dishes. It is also a great source of high-quality protein and an array of nutrients and minerals to support various aspects of health. But still, too much consumption of this cheese can bring negative effects just like any other food variety.

The complexities associated with adding too much blue cheese to your diet include unwanted weight gain and raised blood markers.

So, always try to add a moderate amount of blue cheese to your diet if you want to enjoy the benefits it carries. Or else, seeking help from an expert nutritionist is an ideal way to know about dietary suggestions. 

Also, Read Does Blue Cheese Dressing Have Cholesterol?

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