How To Store Parmesan cheese 5 Ways To Store Parmesan Cheese

How To Store Parmesan Cheese – 5 Ways Explained!

Parmesan is one of the most popular cheeses in the world and it’s used in many dishes, from pasta to salads to soups.

Parmesan is a great source of protein, calcium, and vitamin B12, so it can be considered a healthy food choice for many people.

Proper Storage Of Parmesan Cheese

Parmesan cheese is made from cow’s milk that has been pasteurized and then aged for at least 12 months. It can be purchased in two forms: grated or shredded. The grated form is more common and cheaper than its shredded counterpart.

Grated Parmesan cheese must contain no less than 32% fat and 35% protein on a dry basis (the water content must be less than 30%).

How To Store Parmesan Cheese

Shredded Parmesan has less fat content but higher moisture levels which means it will spoil faster than grated variety if not properly stored in airtight containers at room temperature away from sunlight or heat sources like stoves or ovens (which could cause moisture build-up).

5 Ways To Store Parmesan Cheese

1. Keep it in its original packaging

If you buy parmesan cheese in a block or chunk form, store the entire chunk or block wrapped tightly in plastic wrap or foil. This will prevent any air from getting into the package and drying out the cheese. If possible, refrigerate the cheese as soon as you get home from the grocery store. It will keep for up to six months this way.

2. Store in a cool, dark place

Parmesan also comes shredded or grated and packed into bags for easy use at home (or on restaurant tables). These products are already packaged with an oxygen absorber inside, so there’s no need for extra packaging material like foil or plastic wrap. Just transfer them from the original bag into an airtight container and store them in your pantry or refrigerator until ready to use.

3. Wrap tightly in aluminum foil or plastic wrap

Once opened, parmesan should be tightly wrapped in aluminum foil or plastic wrap and kept in the refrigerator. This will keep air from getting inside the package and drying out your cheese. You can also use resealable plastic bags to store freshly grated Parmesan in the refrigerator or freezer so you don’t have to use up all of your cheese at once — just be sure to squeeze out as much air as possible before sealing up the bag so that no moisture gets inside and ruins its flavor!

4. Avoid direct sunlight or heat sources

An airtight container is one of the best ways to store parmesan cheese for long periods of time because it protects against moisture, heat, and light exposure that can cause mold growth on your food items. Choose a container made from plastic or glass so that your food item doesn’t touch metal while being stored; this can negatively impact its taste over time due to changes in pH levels caused by contact with metals like aluminum or iron (if you’re using foil). Also, try not to use containers that have been used previously.

5. Keep away from strong odors

Parmesan cheese should not be stored near strong odors such as garlic or onions because this can cause a rancid smell in your cheese after it has been opened for some time. Since these types of cheeses are already very strong flavored in their own right, they do not need any help from other strong odors when stored in your refrigerator or freezer.

Is It Better To Grate Or Slice Parmesan Cheese?

Grated parmesan is best for sprinkling onto pasta, salads, and soups to add flavor and texture. The larger chunks will melt more slowly than grated parmesan, making them ideal for baking or sauteing dishes like fettuccine Alfredo or macaroni and cheese.

Sliced parmesan is perfect for sandwiches and pizzas because it won’t crumble as easily as grated parmesan when applied directly from the package onto hot foods like pizza pies or grilled sandwiches.

If using sliced parmesan on top of cooked pasta dishes, however, use it sparingly to avoid overwhelming your dish with too much cheese flavor.

Is Parmesan Cheese Gluten-Free?

Parmesan cheese is often made with wheat flour, but there are also variations made with rice flour or other ingredients. Since it’s difficult to find a gluten-free variety of Parmesan, it’s best to check with your doctor if you have celiac disease or gluten intolerance before consuming this product.

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