Dangerously High Cholesterol Level

What Is A Dangerously High Cholesterol Level?

Cholesterol is quite similar to wax, found inside the body cells that help to carry out some key functions like aiding in digestion, building up cell membranes, vitamin D, and a few hormones.

It all feels orderly when the body holds healthy cholesterol. But once it starts to rise and surpass the line of risk, things get worse, leading to stroke, heart disease, and other health hazards.

Looking for a concise note on dangerously high cholesterol levels and Stroke level cholesterol? Then you’re not too far from what you need to know. 

What Is Stroke Level Cholesterol?

Let’s begin with the two primary types of cholesterols; LDL (low-density lipoproteins) and HDL (high-density lipoproteins). 

LDL is the “bad cholesterol” that gradually develops inside the arteries due to excess fatty food intake. Whereas HDL cholesterol, known as “good cholesterol,” serves as a support function that carries away LDL from the arteries and directs it to the liver for eradication.

The elevated LDL cholesterol level in the blood due to unhealthy lifestyle choices or heredity makes you fall for the condition called dangerously high cholesterol or hyperlipidemia.

In this phase, the HDL cholesterol levels get too low in the body, which makes it arduous to clear off the deposits for carrying enough blood through the arteries. 

What Is A Dangerously High Cholesterol Level

Factors that heighten the risk of bad cholesterol include:

  • Overweight/Obesity
  • Lack of adequate exercise
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Age
  • Smoking
  • Diabetes
  • Genetics

Stroke Level Cholesterol – Can You Get A Stroke From High Cholesterol?

When the LDL cholesterol gets higher than 130mg/dL in the body, it’s where the stroke-level cholesterol comes into action that boosts the probability of developing stroke. The bad cholesterol in the blood stimulates the formation of stroke beyond the blood pressure influence.

The dangerously high cholesterol level builds up fatty deposits in the arteries. It blocks the blood carried to the brain, thereby lowering the oxygen count that reaches the brain cells, ending up in the condition of clotting and causing an ischemic stroke. 

As bad cholesterol is considered one of the prime causes of stroke, some lifestyle changes are essential to keep your health on track. Expanding your views to a healthier lifestyle with proper guidance from a doctor makes it an easy task to get hold of a safe zone by actively lowering the high cholesterol that induces stroke.

Stroke Level Cholesterol - Can You Get A Stroke From High Cholesterol?
  • The best-recommended guidelines to achieve a healthy high DHL include:
  • Keep cholesterol levels in check
  • Stay physically active
  • Focus on a balanced protein-rich diet 
  • Be on normal weight
  • Limit alcohol consumption
  • Quit smoking
  • Get 8 hours of sleep


Cholesterol act as an ideal signal of coronary artery diseases. To be on the side of good cholesterol, one should aim to uplift HDL levels to 40 mg/dL or higher and minimize the LDL level under 100 mg/dL. 

Suppose you find the above-discussed approach did not work the best for you to control your LDL cholesterol to a safe level. In that case, the next plan is to schedule an appointment with a doctor or a physician who knows your health history and can give the right advice and customized treatments.

Finally, keep in mind that cholesterol in moderation is the secret to staying healthy.

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